Board Officers
Richard Tinsman, Chair
[email protected]
George Bridgham, Vice Chair
[email protected]
Sharon Beadnell, Treasurer
[email protected]
Sharon Slamons, Secretary
[email protected]
Board Members
Cathy Czarnecki, Emeritus
[email protected]
Dianne Olsen
[email protected]
Bill Dean
[email protected]
Harry Rideout
Chelcie Shappy
[email protected]
Board Chair Position Description
The Chair shall preside at meetings and have the power to call meetings. The Chair shall be responsible for leadership of the Board in discharging its powers and duties and shall supervise all of the business and affairs of Maine Troop Greeters & Museum. The Chair may sign contracts and other instruments on the organization’s behalf with Board approval.
1. Is a member of the Board.
2. Serves as the organization’s chief officer and spokesperson.
3. Provides leadership to the Board of Directors in pursuit of the organization’s vision, mission and goals.
4. Chairs Board and Executive committee meetings and serves ex officio on other Board committees.
5. May appoint chairpersons of committees in consultation with other Board members.
6. Fosters a safe environment for open communication and inquiry, ensuing due process.
7. Facilitates consensus and encourages long term planning.
8. Helps guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
9. Monitors financial planning and financial reports.
10. Plays a leading role in fund raising activities.
11. Informally evaluates the effectiveness of the Board Members.
12. Annually evaluates the performance of the organization in achieving its mission.
13. Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the Board.
Board Vice Chair Position Description
The Vice-Chair shall have all powers and duties of the Chair during the Chair’s absence, disability or disqualification or during any vacancy in the position of Chair and such other powers or duties assigned by the Chair or Board of Directors.
1. Is a member of the Board.
2. Serves on the Executive Committee.
3. Assumes the responsibilities of the Chair in his or her absence.
4. Reports to the Board Chair.
5. Works closely with the Board Chair and staff.
6. Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the Board.
Board Secretary Position Description
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all Board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each Board member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained.
1. Is a member of the Board.
2. Serves on the Executive Committee.
3. Maintains all Board records and ensures their accuracy and safety.
4. Writes correspondence as directed by the Chair or Board of Directors.
5. Assumes responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair.
6. Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents to note applicability during meetings.
7. Provides Accepted Minutes to Operations Committee Chair for Posting in the Troop Greeter room and to Web Master for Posting on the website.
8. Provides draft minutes of the last meeting, current agenda, and all necessary discussion materials to Board members one week prior to the meetings.
Board Treasurer Position Description
The Treasurer shall have access to records of all receipts, disbursements, assets and liabilities of the organization and shall report to the Board on the condition of such records and the financial condition of the organization. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the corporation; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the organization from all sources and deposit all such moneys in the name of the organization in banks, trusts or other depositories as directed by the Board; and perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer.
1. Is a member of the Board.
2. Serves on the Executive Committee.
3. Serves as financial officer for the organization
4. Administrates the finances of the organization and prepares financial reports
for the Board on a timely basis.
5. Assists the Board in preparing the annual budget.
6. Ensures development and Board review of financial policies and procedures.
7. Ensures that all government tax forms are completed and filed with the proper
agencies by the deadline(s) stated.
Board Member Position Description
General Responsibilities
1. Guide the establishment and amendment of the organization’s By-Laws.
2. Safeguard the organization’s vision and mission.
3. Ensure its long-term strength and financial integrity.
4. Periodically access the Board’s strategies, decisions, strengths, need and performance.
Each Director’s Responsibilities
1. Commit to the organization’s vision and mission.
2. Attend 75% of all board and committee meetings and functions.
3. Be informed about the organization’s services, policies and programs.
4. Participate actively in committee work and volunteer for special assignments.
5. Maintain a working knowledge of the organization’s finances, operations and programs
6. Positively represent the organization to the public.
7. Participate in fund raising for the organization.
8. Follow conflict of interest and confidentiality policies.
9. Exemplify and uphold the values of the organization.